Nutrition Management for Patients with ADHD

Jennifer Darby, PT, DPT, GCS, CCN, CPAHA, CEEAA

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required
2 hours - Provided by Summit Professional Education



Research shows that protein promotes alertness in the brain. Carbohydrates do the opposite and artificial colors or flavors are even worse. This course will discuss the latest brain research and evidence-based best practices regarding diet and nutrition to get kids and adults motivated, focused, organized, and performing closer to their true potential. By recognizing how the brain works in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) along with the executive function relationship, participants will be able to better identify a variety of interventions that can positively influence symptoms of ADHD in your patients. Diet, nutrition, and environmental influences will be covered and their role in the focus of brain development and overall health.


  • Confidently speak with your patients and parents on nutrition and general nutritional recommendations set forth by the FDA
  • Enhance your patient's focus by adding a nutritional component to your overall plan of care

Learning Objectives

  1. Examine etiologic factors and metabolic patterns associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  2. Determine the impact of food choices including dairy, sugar and gluten and their effects on the gut microbiome andADHD.
  3. Recognize the impact of environmental influences including social media on children who are affected by ADHD.
  4. Apply strategies for incorporating nutrition management into the therapy plan of care to improve outcomes.

Course Content

Nutrition Management for Patients with ADHD
SCORM Package
Next Steps
  1. Diet and Nutrition in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    1. Etiology and metabolic patterns of ADHD
    2. The impact of sugars, fats, proteins, and water
    3. Diet and dopamine
    4. Omegas and their role in brain health
    5. Impact of multivitamins/minerals
    6. Gluten, food additives and hormones
  2. Environmental Influences in ADHD
    1. Video games and social media
    2. Sleep
    3. Toxins: lead, mercury, pesticides, pollution
  3. Application to PT, OT, SLP Practice
    1. Educating clients/families on the importance of nutrition
    2. Incorporating nutrition into the treatment plan
    3. Outcomes/case studies

Jennifer Darby, PT, DPT, GCS, CCN, CPAHA, CEEAA is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a certified exercise expert for the aging adult, a board-certified geriatric specialist and possesses a certification in allied health administration. Jennifer recently obtained her certification as a clinical nutritionist through the Clinical Nutrition Board. She is the owner of Trinity Physical Therapy in Brewster, NY, an adjunct faculty member at New York Medical College, and a clinical faculty educator for Summit. Jennifer has developed various community-based educational programs in the areas of nutrition and geriatrics. Jennifer obtained her BS in Physical Therapy from Northeastern University in Boston Massachusetts and her doctorate from the University of Montana.


FINANCIAL: Jennifer Darby is compensated by Summit as an instructor. She is the owner of Trinity Physical Therapy in Brewster, NY and an adjunct faculty member at New York Medical College.

NONFINANCIAL: Jennifer Darby has no nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

Summit receives financial support for this course from Physitrack

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